Habit Health Silverdale
Physio Silverdale
Habit Health Silverdale has a team of counsellors, and physiotherapists. We provide a range of services from ACC vocational and social rehabilitation, pain management, concussion services, community rehabilitation.
- ACC provider
- Ports rehabilitation
- Vocational services
- Acupuncture & dry needling
- Pregnancy & post-pregnancy rehabilitation
- Pain management services
- MSK injuries
- Concussions and headaches
- Pre- and post-surgical rehabilitation
- Sports physio
View the physiotherapy fees Book your physio appointment here
EAP Services is here to help people in workplaces right throughout Aotearoa to be their best at home, and at work - because in reality, all parts of our life are intertwined.
- Counselling
- Psychologists
- Fitness coaching
- Nutritional support
- Sleep and fatigue health coaching
- QuitHelp - smoking and vaping
- Health heart coaching
Opening Hours
Monday-Friday 7.30am - 4.30pm