What We Can Help With

Speech-Language Therapists assist people to communicate effectively and swallow safely. You or your child may need to see a Speech-Language Therapist if experiencing difficulty with one or more of the following:

  • Finding it hard to understand conversations and follow instructions.
  • Difficulty thinking of the correct word in conversation.
  • Finding it hard to learn new words or not using as many words as other children of the same age.
  • Trouble organising and expressing thoughts clearly.
  • Struggling with reading, writing and spelling.

Difficult to understand with sounds that are swapped, left out, added or incorrectly produced. The rate of speech may be too fast or too slow.


Speech sounds or words may be hesitant or repetitive, with stuttering observed.


Changes to the sound, quality or volume of the voice.


Difficulty behaving appropriately in social situations; unsuitable eye contact, body language, tone of voice or topics of conversation.

  • Increased forgetfulness, difficulty remembering information.
  • Poor planning and sequencing.
  • Finding it harder to solve problems.
  • Decreased judgement.
  • Reduced attention and concentration.
  • Difficulty with eating and drinking and may include drooling.
  • Noticing that food, liquids or medication can get stuck in the throat.
  • Frequent coughing or choking during meals.

Assessment and Therapy

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