Social Rehabilitation

Habit Health provides quality rehabilitation services for individuals who have been referred to our service from either ACC or other organisations.

Our qualified assessors will visit you in the most appropriate location to complete the assessment and ensure a detailed and accurate report is provided to the referrer.


An assessment is completed in an agreed time frame to the benefit of all parties and in partnership with you.
On completion of the assessment, a detailed report is created and forwarded to your referrer.


On arrival, the Habit Health assessor will explain the process of the assessment and your rights throughout the service. Please ask if you are unsure about anything that happening and your assessor will be happy to help. Ant any time, you may include whānau, an advocate, support person or legal representative if this is required.


Integration of Te Tiriti principles is a core value at Habit Health and is central to how we design our service delivery.
If you have any specific cultural or religious requirements that relate to your care, please inform the assessor.

Privacy & Confidentiality

All information collated as part of the assessment is confidential. You have the right to access a copy of the completed report from your referrer.

Exit from service

This will occur when:

  • Our contracted service is completed
  • The assessment is completed and you require no other service
  • The service is withdrawn by your referrer
  • Habit Health assessors are unable to complete the assessment safely.

Client's rights

Habit Health is committed to ensuring that you are aware of your rights and responsibilities under the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumer's Rights and the Code of ACC Claimant's Rights. There is a Health and Disability Consumer Advice service in your local area. Call 0800 555 050 or email