Ia Manuia, Nathen!

26 Jun 2024

We are so proud of Nathen - one of our senior physiotherapists shortly leaving our shores for the Olympic Games in Paris next month!

Before you ask, Nathen has not turned pro athlete overnight, but they have been selected by Samoa 7’s to accompany the team as its dedicated physiotherapy service during prep week, and the games from July this year.

After graduating close to 20 years ago, Nathen has travelled quite extensively throughout his career, supporting other professional sports teams. For this trip, Nathen will be on hand for the Samoa 7’s team during practices and the final tournament.

“I’m excited to support Sevens Samoa not only because they are such a great team, but it’s particularly special because this is the first year they have qualified for the games,” says Nathen.

“There’s no doubt it will be a busy trip, but I’m hoping to be able to see a few sights of Paris, after the games of course.”