Habit Health Whangamatā
Habit Health Whangamatā
Need physiotherapy in Whangamatā?
Habit Health’s local physio clinic in Whangamatā is located at 5/606 Port Road, Whangamatā 3620, part of the Port Rd commercial area.
Our Habit Health Whangamatā clinic is located on Port Rd in Whangamatā, across from the Palm Pacific Resort & Motel and The Little Gallery. Our Habit Health physiotherapy clinic in Whangamatā is easy to get to with lots of off-street parking.
Whether you're visiting Whangamatā from the surrounding areas including the Coromandel Peninsula, or coming directly to Habit Health Whangamatā for physiotherapist treatment, our clinic is easily accessible and offers expert physiotherapy care in a community setting.
Our Habit Health Whangamatā physio team can provide you expert physiotherapy services for injury recovery, pain management, and rehabilitation. With a personalised approach, we tailor treatment plans to each patient’s needs, ensuring optimal care and recovery.
- Sports physiotherapy
- ACC physiotherapy
- Post-surgical recovery
- Pain management
- Injury prevention
- Chronic condition management
- Mobility and strength improvement
- Workplace injury rehabilitation
View the physiotherapy fees Book your physio appointment here
As an ACC-registered provider, we can assist you with your ACC physiotherapy claim, making the process straightforward and stress-free.
Opening Hours
Monday - Wednesday 8.30am-6.30pm (5pm-6pm is by appointment only)
Thursday 8.30am-5pm
Friday 8am-6.30pm (4pm-6pm is by appointment only)
Saturday - Sunday Closed